My Work Experience

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Math Specialist Intern

To expedite machine learning improvement in Zenbot (auto doubt solve) accuracy, I collaborated with the product and data science team to facilitate data deduplication and topic classification. Identifying areas for further investigation was also another highlight in this internship as I got to conduct analysis support related to Zenbot.


Marketing Analyst Intern

I interpreted data, formulated reports and made recommendations to optimize marketing campaigns with aims of improving conversion and click through rates. Another takeaway from this internship is the ability to outsource and provide first hand, expert knowledge for our customer base so as to increase leads generation.


Merchandising Intern

With a target to maximize growth and profitability, I analyzed the overall pricing competitiveness of competitors and identified potential markets. This enabled me to forecast sales trends, highlight opportunities for new initiatives and promotions. I collaborated with the warehouse team to ensure timely and effective fulfillment to customers.